Dear Parents,
In this constantly ever changing society the young minds are pitted with drastic changes in their environment. In these formative years they need a genial,
tranquil and natural learning environment. The Satyam Academy provides all these to the child. With the ever increasing
demand of competitions, fast changing values, pressure of challenging career and increasing love for materialistic life, it has become
difficult for the individuals to maintain its prim values intact. We at Satyam Academy try to imbibe values of love, culture and knowledge
through education that enables them to adjust and adapt to the emerging society of multicultural thoughts, beliefs and religions.
It fosters them with the courage that kindles optimism and the willpower not to give up during adversities.
The school where the quality matters the most we try to reflects the kaleidoscope of learning, adventures, creativities and positive approach of our young
minds through value based and activity oriented education. I hope the effort will serve as a stepping stone towards the many miles
stones they have to cover in pursuit of excellence. May the Almighty God bless you.